Gen Z's Payment Habits revealed by EY's Survey

May 2, 2024
min read

Gen Z, aged roughly between 12 and 27, is reshaping the payment industry with distinct preferences, as highlighted in a recent EY survey. They show a strong inclination towards new payment methods like P2P payments, in-game currency, and BNPL schemes. Surprisingly, they use traditional credit cards less frequently. This trend prompts questions about the future of credit card usage.

Despite being digitally savvy, many Gen Zers lack financial literacy, indicating a need for better financial education. They also prioritize ESG factors when choosing payment providers. Gen Z's commitment to preferred payment methods is evident, with many delaying purchases if their preferred method is unavailable.

As Gen Z's influence grows, businesses and financial institutions must adapt to meet their evolving preferences and values to shape the future of payments. Understanding and addressing the unique needs of this generation will be crucial in accommodating their evolving payment preferences and values. With their significant impact on the market, Gen Z's preferences are assured to drive substantial changes in the payment ecosystem.